There is always a reason to visit Hong Kong. The name "Hong Kong" in the English language is an approximate phonetic rendering of the Cantonese or Hakka pronunciation of the Chinese name "Siang Kang", meaning "fragrant harbour" or "fragrant port". I'm not certain why Hong Kong is named like that, but visiting Hong Kong for honeymoon or holiday destination is very enjoyable and unforgettable. 24 hours of entertainment, many kind of fine cuisines, and amazingly shopping centers. For sheer variety of products and brands in all price ranges, Hong Kong is a unique shopping experience. From glitzy malls to funky street markets, and trendy boutiques to traditional Chinese product stores and themed shopping districts, you can find everything f rom the latest designer fashions and electronic gadgets to best-value antiques and collectibles. Now, if you have a plan to visit Hong Kong this May, you will en joy many exotic and interesting Chinese Festiva...